8 research outputs found


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    Moving from the traditional industrial model, in which waste is considered the norm, EU needs to develop an integrated industrial integrated systems in which everything has a next use. By exchanging industrial energy, water, by-products and materials between sectors, waste from one industry becomes raw material for another. Industry is encouraged to emulate the sustainable cycles of nature, minimizing the burden imposed on the earth and using its resources more efficiently. The raw materials industry transformation with respect to the environment is an integral part of these initiatives and efforts. The paper aims to consider what would be required for mining companies to operate as a modern advanced technology-driven business. It reviews how waste management is a business strategy and examines issues of cost reduction with respect to the environmen

    Posredovanje znanja v regionalnih digitalnih ekosistemih

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    The knowledge-based networked business ecosystem represents a geographical (or virtual) area where specific regional policy initiatives could foster growth and improve innovation, productivity and social aspects through the optimal use of local assets empowered by information and communication systems (ICT). Effective human interaction with ICT within such a regional digital ecosystem depends on access methods, suitability and form of content and knowledge sharing. A network of digital ecosystems, as public common resource, offers to regions and to less-developed areas opportunities to participate in the global economy. Key words: digital ecosystem, regional business digital ecosystem, integrated business information, electronic content management, document management system, knowledge sharing and management;Na znanju temelječ in mrežno povezan poslovni ekosistem predstavlja geografsko (ali virtualno) področje, kjer bi lahko specifič ne regionalne politične pobude spodbujale rast in izboljšale inoviranje, produktivnost ter družbene vidike s pomočjo optimalne uporabe lokalnih virov, ki so okrepljeni z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi. Učinkovita človeška interakcija z informacijskimi in komunikacijskimi sistemi, kot je na primer regionalni digitalni ekosistem, je odvisna od pristopnih metod, ustreznosti in oblike vsebine ter posredovanja znanja. Mreža digitalnih ekosistemov kot skupni javni vir ponuja regijam in manj razvitim področjem priložnost, da sodelujejo v globalnem gospodarstvu. Ključne besede: digitalni ekosistem, regionalni poslovni digitalni ekosistem, integrirano poslovno informiranje, upravljanje elektronskih vsebin, upravljanje s sistemom dokumentov, posredovanje znanja in upravljanje


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    In raw materials EU sector a new vision is emerging, founded on leveraging informatization, digitalization, and visualization to utilize process data inside corporate management. The digital factory concept on the raw materials heat treatment offers an integrated approach to enhance products and production processes. The focus and key factor is the integration of the various planning and simulation processes. It’s a kind of visual manufacturing that removes the barriers to effective collaboration and efficiency by delivering visual and real process data to all involved throughout the value chain. Business processes are naturally streamlined, and islands of automation are integrated into efficient drivers of customer value. Digital Factory efficiently drives bottom line business growth in areas like material flow management, material request orders, training, marketing, maintenance, logistics and all with measurable economical impact


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    In raw materials EU sector a new vision is emerging, founded on leveraging informatization, digitalization, and visualization to utilize process data inside corporate management. The digital factory concept on the raw materials heat treatment offers an integrated approach to enhance products and production processes. The focus and key factor is the integration of the various planning and simulation processes. It’s a kind of visual manufacturing that removes the barriers to effective collaboration and efficiency by delivering visual and real process data to all involved throughout the value chain. Business processes are naturally streamlined, and islands of automation are integrated into efficient drivers of customer value. Digital Factory efficiently drives bottom line business growth in areas like material flow management, material request orders, training, marketing, maintenance, logistics and all with measurable economical impact


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    This paper characterizes the important features of intelligent monitoring systems and demonstrates how it is transforming mining or raw materials sectors. It reviews and identifies research areas that need to be investigated further, such as adaptation, data fusion and tracking methods in a cooperative multi-sensor environment, extension of techniques to classify complex activities and interactions between detected objects. The growing demand for production variability and safety or security has led to more research in building more efficient intelligent monitoring systems. Therefore, a future challenge is to develop a wide-area distributed multi-sensor monitoring system which has robust, real-time information algorithms able to perform with minimal manual reconfiguration on variable applications. Such systems should be adaptable enough to adjust automatically and cope with changes in the environment like production parameters change, aggregate geometry or aggregate activity